Fr. Terry Miller
As a priest, Fr. Terry seeks to help others to know and love the God revealed in Jesus Christ, bringing to bear on today’s questions and hopes the riches of Christian teaching and tradition, so that those he serves may be transformed into His likeness by the Holy Spirit, be equipped to do ministry, and share in the Church’s witness to God’s Kingdom.
Before coming to Good Shepherd, Fr. Terry served at St. Matthew’s, Richmond, as Assistant Priest, as a ‘country parson’ at a parish outside of Charlottesville, as the Interim Pastor at a Lutheran congregation, and as the Assistant Priest for Adult Education at a large suburban congregation outside of Detroit. He is originally from Florida and is a graduate of the University of the South (Sewanee). He received his Master of Divinity at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria and a Master of Sacred Theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, where he studied Christian ethics and Christian formation.
When not engaged in parish ministry, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their four school-age children; reading books on theology, history, politics, art and culture; watching films and working in the garden; doing home improvement projects; and tending his other “flock” of chickens, ducks, and geese at his home.
Andrew J Shelden
Music Director
Andrew Shelden, our Music Director, comes to us from the Charlottesville area and brings a wealth of experience as an organist and choir director and a fluency in several musical styles, including Celtic and Jazz. We are delighted to have him join us and to help lead us in worshipping the Lord!
Andy’s call to ministry through music is strong and has run virtually though his entire life. Born into a musical family in California, Andy began playing the organ in church when he was 11. By the age of 14, he was playing in two churches; at 16, three. He has been at the organ bench or in front of a choir ever since. To supplement his church jobs, Andy served as an Instructor at College of the Siskiyous (California), where he was also staff accompanist and Director of the Mt Shasta Vocal Jazz and Show Choir Clinic, a regional week-long residential music camp for middle- and high-school students. He has toured the Baltic, Scotland, and Ireland as accompanist for the COS Concert Choir, playing the great organs in churches and cathedrals across northern Europe. He comes to us most recently from the Charlottesville area, where he served as Director of Music Ministries at a medium-sized United Methodist church and then as Music Director at an Episcopal church. Andy plays about a dozen different instruments, composes music, writes prose and poetry, and has even managed to get published a few times.
Naji Brooks
Director of Church Communications
Naji, our Director of Church Communications, serves Good Shepherd by answering phones, preparing the worship bulletins, and assisting parishioners, staff, and clergy in their various needs.
Randy Allen
As our Sexton, Randy employs his gifts in maintaining, repairing and enhancing the physical grounds of our church.