Serving God in the Church

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers. Our Altar Guild is composed of four teams, each serving for one week during the month. The teams alternate taking responsibility for the week in which there is a fifth Sunday in the month.
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee hosts the Sunday morning reception ("Coffee Hour"), which takes place following the service in the upstairs Parish Hall. This part of Sunday morning is a special time for us to connect with old friends, to make new friends, and to welcome newcomers. The Hospitality Committee is composed of 5 teams, one for each Sunday of the month. These team members prepare and serve the refreshments. Throughout the year for weddings, funerals, or special programs, many parish members join the teams in setting up for receptions or dinners, in preparing and serving the food and beverages, and in cleaning up afterwards.
St. Monica’s Guild
One of the most famous mothers of all time, Saint Monica persisted in prayer until she brought her son, Augustine, back not only to the faith and to penitence but to an illustrious life in the church, becoming known as St. Augustine of Hippo. St. Monica was strong in prayer and in faith, however she died shortly after her son's conversion. In emulation of Monica's faith and commitment, the women of St. Monica's Guild are daughters of Christ and sisters to each other. Their focus is to support and enhance the Christian life of our Church within the Church community and to provide outreach to the wider community and beyond. Recent activities of the guild include making Palm Crosses for the Palm Sunday service, collecting Christmas gifts for needy children for the Angel Tree ministry, and leading a drive to collect needed donations for CARITAS’ New Women’s Shelter on Stockton Street.
Worship Leaders
The leadership and conduct of worship is not reserved exclusively for the priest, as if he were performing for the congregation. Our worship is a 'liturgy', which means the "work of the people." And as such, those who are not ordained (lay persons) rightly have important parts to play in the worship of the church. The following are some of the roles given to lay persons in worship. If you are interested in contributing to our worship in one of these roles, please contact the Rector who can put you in touch with the leadership of each group.
​During worship, the role of acolyte is to act as servers, torchbearers, lighters of altar candles, and the carrier of the cross, candles, and banners during the procession to and from the altar.