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Horizons of Mission
Opportunities and Challenges

In the summer of 2021, Fr. Terry led this three-part series to help parishioners better understand our past, present and possible future in the community of south Richmond. Below are the slide shows and printed and video resources shared during the class.
Oct 3: The Power and Pitfalls of the Past: slide show
Oct 17: Knowing Your Community: slide show
New Facts on Episcopal Church Growth (handout)
Oct 24: Fresh Expressions: The Church in the PostModern World: slide show
The Changing Face of Worship (video)
Questions we discussed include:
How do we respond to those outside the church who long to be loved and accepted, but whose trust has been violated?
How do we show that we care about them, not for our sake, to have more members, but out of sincere concern and interest?
How might we embrace our society’s interest in art and beauty, and see art as a way to convey not just beauty but truth?
How do we present the Gospel not as something to be proved, but rather experienced?
Do we care more about our traditions than our children?
How can we embrace the challenge presented in this community at this time? How do we build bridges with younger generations?
What new ways can we adopt to convey the unchanging message?
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